Contact Information

  • Chapter President- Jennifer Betts

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Meeting Minutes 6/3/07

Election Results
The vote is in and counted. Congratulations on our chapter’s 2007-2008 newly elected:
President - Kristen Kaleal
Vice-President - Erica Torres-Dudziak
Treasurer - LisaMarie Luccioni
Secretary - Jill Haney

Treasurer Report

A. Chapter account balance is currently $1,745

B. Any purchase made that is $25.00 or higher needs to have a mutual agreement between the President and the Treasurer.

C. A letter discussing the legitimate authorization of our chapter’s debit card and checks was brought and signed by the 2006-2007 chapter leaders. This letter will be given to Kathryn Lowell, Heather Tammiga, and LisaMarie will also keep a copy.

D. Anyone who would like to help LisaMarie count CEU's from conference is eligible to earn points towards their CIP.

E. LisaMarie still has not bought herself stamps yet but she will be doing that shortly.

F. Kristen is going to get her own credit card from the chapter

Book Report

Kristen asked everyone who attended to bring a book that has had a greatest impact for them. In case you were not able to attend this quarter, here is the list of inspiring books for our leaders in image consulting.

“Secrets of Six-Figure Women”, by: Barbara Stanny

“New Dress for Success”, by: John Malloy

“If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat", by: John Ohberg

“Basic Etiquette”, by: Emily Post

“In style: Secrets of style”, by: In Style Magazine

“The magic of thinking big”, by: David Schwartz

“How to get your point across in 30 seconds”, by: Milo Frank

“Change your life in 7 Days”, by: Paul McKenna

Suggestions for next AICI Conference 2008 in Tampa, FL

A. Cruise

B. Have a day to site see and relax

C. Have it somewhere that the atmosphere encourages networking

D. Get paired up with another image consulting for a day to give and get constructive feedback on their style or business

Other Meeting Business

A. If you attended last quarter’s meeting and were present for Linda Thompson’s presentation and are a certified IC, you will be getting your CEU’s sent back to you shortly.

B. Wouldn’t it be great to get the candid feedback necessary for success. Let’s face it guys, we need an objective opinion and reality check sometimes on our own image. Nancy had a great idea of having a mini image consulting session during one of our upcoming meetings.

C. It is the chapter’s 2008 focus to increase membership for the next year. As active members, we have been called to give at least 1 presentation to a fashion group or affiliated business to recruit potential members. This could include a fashion group, fashion school (designing, merchandising), spa’s, etc. Our message to them is that we are an innovative group of professionals who like to have fun, are organized, businesslike, and successful.

D. A chapter voicemail (checked daily) and a chapter business card was an idea for recruitment tools. Kristen will keep a spreadsheet of anyone who expresses interest in membership for routine contact.

E. There was mention of several members out of Kentucky that don’t have a chapter. There was some brainstorming of how we can invite them to come and be a part of our meetings.

F. Explanation and criteria of our new Chapter of the Year Award was distributed with the addition of bringing in new members as another criterion. Please email Erica at for a copy.

OH/PA Chapter Retreat

A. Our summer retreat being held at the Marriott downtown Cleveland is coming up around the corner this August! A professional organizer has been added the agenda. Anyone can attend; there will be a member and non-member fee. The last day to sign up will be announced soon.


The meeting wrapped up with two great presentations by our very own President, Kristen Kaleal, and past VP of Membership, Sarah Lunt, AICI.

Sara started out the presentation part of the meeting with her topic on How to create wardrobe books for your clients. We learned where to get the materials for creating your own books, how creativity adds value to your clients and profit to your business, and how to put the books together to sell with your other services.

With Kristen we learned the do’s and don’ts of how to have the media work for you! We learned step by step how one email spiraled into a non-intentional marketing strategy that brought in a large amount of income to KK Image Design. The idea was to place yourself in positions for opportunities to fall into your lap and don’t forget your marketing kit!


As always, the meeting was a success. Where else can you go and bounce ideas with top professionals in your industry while leaving more motivated and inspired than before you walked in? We can’t wait to see you all of you in November.

- Minutes taken by Erica Torres-Dudziak
Incoming Vice-President

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