1. Create a Gmail account
2. Go to www.blogger.com and log in with your gmail account.
3. Click on the blog you want to contribute to. It will most likely be the Chapter
4. Click “new post” and type away or paste text. Sometimes you will have to alter the
layout of the text, but it shouldn’t be too difficult.
The blog defaults to the correct font and size.
You can add photos, links, etc with the toolbar.
5. Include labels. Click “show all” and pick the labels that apply to your post. Or create a new label if you need to.
6. When you’re finished, click “publish post.”
7. You will have the option to view the blog in a new window or edit your post.
Definitely check on your post and see if it needs edits. If you edit, just publish and check again until it looks right.
Contact Information
- jmbohio@aol.com
- Chapter President- Jennifer Betts