Contact Information

  • Chapter President- Jennifer Betts

Thursday, December 18, 2008

AICI OH/PA Chapter Membership Meeting Minutes 12.06.08

Akron, OH

9: 00 a.m. – 9: 30 a.m. Breakfast & Networking
The meeting began promptly at 9:00 a.m. Erica Torres-Dudziak welcomed everyone to the meeting and started the icebreaker and introductions. Those present at the meeting included:
Candace Bradfield
Michelle Pratt
Erica Torres-Dudziak
Amanda Levy
Tonya Woods
Jennifer Betts
Francoise Litch
Brenda Johnson
Latasha Morgan

At the beginning of the meeting attendees led a discussion on networking and ideas to increase business. Some ideas included participating in social media outlets, women’s events such as trade shows and bridal fairs, weight loss programs and senior citizen living center programs.

Other ideas included possibly hosting an “Image Consulting Convention” that includes different specialties of image consulting and have outside vendors in the beauty industry pay to be part of the event.

Attendees also talked about business referrals. Some helpful sources included the AICI Web site, data service and working with vendors in the beauty industry. To help with challenges of gaining new clients attendees shared their innovative ideas on how to increase their business.

9:30 a.m. – 10: 30 a.m. Association/Chapter Updates

Erica started off the chapter and association updates by providing the following information to attendees:

a. Changes: The OH/PA chapter has undergone several changes in the past couple of months. The rest of 2008 and all of 2009 will be about planning and setting “long term” goals to sustain the chapter and its projected growth.

b. Expansion: We have expanded by having meetings in the PA area for members who could previously not participate--Historically our OH meetings have been in Columbus. We are going to try new locations/topics/events this year to see what works. The chapter is also pleased to announce that membership has been expanding since 2007. The following expansion goals were given:

The chapter’s current membership: 34
Chapter Board Goal for this year: 50
Average # of participant per meetings: 5-10 (between OH & PA meetings)
Number of attendees per meeting goal: increase to 40% of membership

d. Chapter meeting schedule: Our next meeting is planned for Friday March 20th, 2009 and we are planning to have a social event at a restaurant in the evening and get some dining etiquette training from one of Ohio’s most sought after Business Image Consultant’s, Danielle Turcola!

e. Increase membership involvement and expertise: We want to have more CEU education topics and bring awareness about certification opportunities—if anyone is interested in a phone study group please let Erica know. For a local study group for FLC exam email and we can gauge interest and see how we can set something up.

f. Increase membership: The chapter will offer a Member of the Year Award to help increase chapter involvement.

g. Increase media presence: In order to continue to grow the chapter we will look to add a VP of Marketing for 2009 to focus on creating a voice for the chapter through press releases, publicity through AICI publication and connecting with philanthropic opportunities. If you are interested in this opportunity for next year please contact Erica.

h. Increase board 2009-2010: As mentioned we would like to add a VP marketing and have committee sign ups with voting. Erica will be bringing “Role Descriptions” to the next meeting in March to start gauging interest.

Erica introduced the current board members:
President- Erica Torres-Dudziak
Treasurer- Brian Lipstein
Secretary- Amanda Levy
VP Education/President Elect- Michelle Pratt
VP Membership- Tonya Woods

Michelle led a discussion on her role as VP of Education. Michelle will plan the 2009 Education retreat as well as create innovative programming to increase chapter involvement. She also talked about and how members can get CEU’s as well as participate in an upcoming Education retreat and Education committee:

a. Michelle outlined the benefits of attending AICI’s annual conference and that it is the best venue to earn CEUs.
b. Michelle also reminded attendees that our local chapter can host CEU events and topics can be certified ahead of time by AICI. Topics can vary and can include working with outside organizations/individuals to increase attendance at events.
c. Having certification by taking the FLC or earning your CIM or CIP is a great way to establish credibility for yourself and your chapter. Visit AICI’s Web site at to learn more.
d. Michelle is currently planning the 2009 Education Retreat and is looking for volunteers to be on the Education Committee.

Tonya Woods, the chapter’s current VP of Membership talked about her role. She will welcome new members and reinforce benefits of attending meetings and being part of AICI. Her recruitment strategies to help increase involvement in 2009 include:

a. The chapter’s goal is to increase membership to 50 members and to keep moving forward as a chapter.
b. Tonya’s goal is to find interactive ways to make recruitment fun. Meeting attendance has been a challenge and she is currently looking for ideas to help increase involvement.
c. Tonya challenged members to try to recruit at least one person to the chapter to help reach 2009 goal.
d. The chapter has completed a membership feedback survey to help determine recruitment needs/opportunities.
e. Please contact Tonya directly if you are interested in being on the Membership Committee to help with the 2009 Recruitment Strategy.

10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. “Branding”- Michelle Pratt
The meeting’s guest speaker was Michelle Pratt, MBA, founder and principal of Chelle Belle, The Image Advocate, an image consulting and special event planning company. Michelle is also the current VP of Education and President Elect.

Her presentation titled “Branding” offered the following learning objectives:
Understanding branding; Assessing your business mission; Analyze your market; Understand benefit vs. feature; Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP); Determine your brand message; Create a tagline and Develop brand identity.

Throughout her presentation Michelle asked attendees to participate in writing exercises that helped give attendees an objective and tactical view of their own current business practices. After the presentation attendees understood how to create effective message to help strengthen both their personal brand and their company’s branding.

11:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. Color Training Opportunity
The chapter has received several requests to offer color training locally. Candace Bradfield presented a color training opportunity through Colour me Beautiful which will be taught by Pat Henshaw co-author of “Color Me Confident”. This color analysis system is different from the “four seasons” color technique and offers clients wallets with their selected colors.

The color training opportunity is still in the planning stages but will be a three-day course held tentatively in Cleveland in June 2009. The specific location of the meeting is still being determined. Please continue to check the chapter Web site and blog for updates.

11:50 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Wrap Up/ Surveys
Membership feedback surveys were given out to all attendees and were filled out before the end of the meeting. Erica provided closing comments and thanked everyone for attending. The next OH/PA chapter meeting will be held on Friday, March 20 in the evening. The location is to be determined.

The meeting concluded at 12:00 p.m.