Contact Information

  • Chapter President- Jennifer Betts

Thursday, October 11, 2007

First Delaware Valley Satellite Meeting

Dear AICI members of the Delaware Valley,

I already know some of you, but wanted to introduce myself for the benefit of those whom I have not yet met: my name is Renu Dalal, and I am a personal wardrobe consultant in Philadelphia; I have been an AICI member since 2004.

For some time now, I have been discussing with local colleagues about the inconvenience of going to NYC for AICI meetings, not to mention that Columbus, OH, is virtually impossible to get to without committing a full day or more...So when Kristen Kaleal, the president of the AICI OH/PA Chapter asked about member interest in putting together local meetings, I thought I'd volunteer to coordinate the first (of many, I hope!) Delaware Valley Satellite Meeting.

I believe it is very important to have an AICI presence here in the Delaware Valley - with almost twenty members total in Delaware, SE Pennsylvania, and South Jersey - it would be wonderful to have a network of colleagues with whom we can share tips, ideas, and even overflow business. I have already been in conversation with a few members about possible dates, locations, and topics of discussion.

Mr. Brian Lipstein of Henry Davidsen, has graciously volunteered his showroom at 17th and Spruce Streets, in Center City Philadelphia, as a location for our first meeting, and we are looking at the early evening (5:30-8:00pm) of Monday, November 5th as a tentative date. Please let me know at your earliest convenience if this date, time, and location would work for you - at least for our first meeting, I'd like to have as many people attend as possible.

In addition, if you have any ideas for topics of discussion, or questions you'd like to ask of your colleagues, or if you'd like to lead a short presentation, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Some topics already proposed include: fee structure - hourly vs. package rates; sources for outside sizes (plus, petites, and very tall); and men's' image. Also, just FYI, we would like to collect from each attendee, $5.00 at the door, to cover the cost of refreshments (bottled water, beverages, light snacks) for the evening.
I look forward to hearing from all of you soon - your participation will help us make our first meeting a great success!

Warm Regards,


Thank you, Renu! Looks like everyone is looking forward to this event!

- Kristen

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